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BENEFITS AND WORK Disability Benefits and Work Private Disability and Work Social Security and Work Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Retirement and Disability Work and Other Assistance Programs and Benefits Money Management

Putting It All Together: A Case Example (Visit this link)

The following example shows how you can earn income and deduct allowable expenses to keep and/or increase your SSI payment.

A. Dennis Gets a Job

Dennis Hunt has AIDS. He receives Medicaid and his only income is a monthly SSI payment of $943. He was ready to work part time and was offered a job at a local restaurant where he earned $275 per month. The effect on his monthly benefit and total income was:

Gross Monthly Earnings$ 275
General Income Exclusion- $ 20
Earned Income Exclusion- $ 65
Adjusted Earned Income= $ 190
Divided by 2190/2= $ 95
Countable Income= $ 95
Federal Benefit Rate (FBR)$ 943
Minus Countable Income- $ 95
New SSI Payment= $ 848
Plus Gross Monthly Earnings+ $ 275
New Total Monthly Earnings= $ 1,123

B. Dennis Gets a Raise

After 18 months, Dennis got a raise and worked more hours, so his monthly income increased to $367.He also paid $52 per month for medical expenses that counted as an IRWE. The effect on his monthly benefit and total income was:

Gross Monthly Earnings$ 367
General Income Exclusion- $ 20
Earned Income Exclusion- $ 65
Impairment Related Work Expense (IRWE)- $ 52
Adjusted Earned Income= $ 230
Divided by 2230/2= $ 115
Countable Income= $ 115
Federal Benefit Rate (FBR)$ 943
Minus Countable Income- $ 115
New SSI Payment= $ 828
Plus Gross Monthly Earnings+ $ 367
New Total Monthly Earnings= $ 1,195

C. Dennis Goes to School

Dennis then decided that he wanted to get a degree in graphic design. With the help of his case manager, Dennis wrote a PASS that described his work goal and his plans to save $70 each month for tuition. The effect on his monthly benefit and total income was as follows:

Gross Monthly Earnings$ 367
General Income Exclusion- $ 20
Earned Income Exclusion- $ 65
Impairment Related Work Expense (IRWE)- $ 52
PASS- $ 70
Adjusted Earned Income= $ 160
Divided by 2160/2= $ 80
Countable Income= $ 80
Federal Benefit Rate (FBR)$ 943
Minus Countable Income- $ 80
New SSI Payment= $ 863
Plus Gross Monthly Earnings+ $ 367
New Total Monthly Earnings= $ 1,230

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